Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The lost art of typography essays
The lost art of typography essays Neil Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business was published in 1985. The theories and concepts described in the book could easily apply to today's world. Postman goes to great detail in his book about the development of public discourse (verbal and written communication) over the centuries. He explains how the development and evolution of communication over mankind's history has changed at critical points. These critical points include the development of the alphabet, the development of the printing press, the development of the telegraph and the development of the television. Postman argues that American society in particular is in danger since it relies so much on television. Postman's book is divided into two parts. Part one documents the development of communication in Western civilization. The main course of his documentation is that the oral and printed methods of communication tend to be held in higher prestige because they take more "brain power" to learn and perfect. If a person wants to learn in an oral or printed communication based culture, he or she must learn the language, memorize customs, learn to read, learn to write, etc. Postman even goes so far to say that print communication controls your physical body as well that a person's body must remain at least semi-mobile in order to pay attention to what the words are trying to say. In chapter 4, Postman details how the development and success of the printed word in Western civilization created what he calls "The Typographic Mind", a mind set where a person from the 17th, 18th or 19th centuries could endure and pay attention to lengthy written tomes or lengthy speeches. Postman cites the 1858 U.S. presidential debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas. One debate lasted three hours while another in 1854 went seven. When I read this, I admit I was amazed. I had known that the debates were important for many reasons,...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
List of Phrases Shakespeare Invented
List of Phrases Shakespeare Invented Four centuries after his death, we are still using Shakespeares phrases in our everyday speech. This list of phrases Shakespeare invented is a testament that the Bard has had a huge influence on the English language. Some people today reading Shakespeare for the first time complain that the language is difficult to understand, yet we are still using hundreds of words and phrases coined by him in our everyday conversation. You have probably quoted Shakespeare thousands of times without realizing it. If your homework gets you â€Å"in a pickle,†your friends have you â€Å"in stitches,†or your guests â€Å"eat you out of house and home,†then you’re quoting Shakespeare. The Most Popular Shakespearean Phrases A laughing stock (The Merry Wives of Windsor)A sorry sight (Macbeth)As dead as a doornail (Henry VI)Eaten out of house and home (Henry V, Part 2)Fair play (The Tempest)I will wear my heart upon my sleeve (Othello)In a pickle (The Tempest)In stitches (Twelfth Night)In the twinkling of an eye (The Merchant Of Venice)Mums the word (Henry VI, Part 2)Neither here nor there (Othello)Send him packing (Henry IV)Set your teeth on edge (Henry IV)Theres method in my madness (Hamlet)Too much of a good thing (As You Like It)Vanish into thin air (Othello) Origins and Legacy In many cases, scholars do not know if Shakespeare actually invented these phrases or if they were already in use during his lifetime. In fact, it is almost impossible to identify when a word or phrase was first used, but Shakespeare’s plays often provide the earliest citation. Shakespeare was writing for the mass audience, and his plays were incredibly popular in his own lifetime ... popular enough to enable him to perform for Queen Elizabeth I and to retire a wealthy gentleman. It is unsurprising therefore that many phrases from his plays stuck in the popular consciousness and subsequently embedded themselves into everyday language. In many ways, it is like a catchphrase from a popular television show becoming part of everyday speech. Shakespeare was, after all, in the business of mass entertainment. In his day, the theater was the most effective way to entertain and communicate with large audiences. Language changes and evolves over time, so the original meanings may have been lost to language. Changing Meanings Over time, many of the original meanings behind Shakespeares words have evolved. For example, the phrase sweets to the sweet from Hamlet has since become a commonly used romantic phrase. In the original play, the line is uttered by Hamlet’s mother as she scatters funeral flowers across Ophelia’s grave in Act 5, Scene 1: Queen: (Scattering flowers) Sweets to the sweet, farewell!I hopd thou shouldst have been my Hamlets wife:I thought thy bride-bed to have deckd, sweet maid,And not have strewd thy grave. This passage hardly shares the romantic sentiment in today’s use of the phrase. Shakespeare’s writing lives on in today’s language, culture, and literary traditions because his influence (and the influence of the ​Renaissance) became an essential building block in the development of the English language. His writing is so deeply ingrained in the culture that it is impossible to imagine modern literature without his influence.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Enron Corporation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Enron Corporation - Assignment Example Its CEO Ken Lay was one of President George W. Bush’s personal friends. Both Ken Lay and CFO Jeff Skilling and later Andrew Fastow were regarded as leaders to emulate. Smart, suave and ambitious, they were regarded as the embodiment of corporate success. But a series of events quickly turned the tables on the fortunes of this billion dollar company and its management. In fact, even its auditors Arthur Andersen were considered culpable and not only removed as incompetent, but the fallout of the entire debacle caused them to close down their businesses all across the world. In hindsight and as a result of investigations, it was determined that there were a number of reasons behind the inglorious fall and demise of this once great enterprise. Notwithstanding the obvious reasons why the CEO, CFO and some other heads of business departments worked in unison to give a highly false and misleading picture to corporate America and the public at large, it seems that they surely thought they were the smartest guys in the room and could continue to hoodwink the masses with false notions of success. Was It a Question of Structure? The puzzling fact is that why did it take so long for the facts to unravel and the truth to reveal itself. With a corporation the size of Enron, and its business interests spread all over the world, it seems amazing that the real state of affairs was kept out of the eyes of employees, what to say of the general public. Did the reporting structure have something to do with it? Auditors combing through the records of the failed corporation have noticed that the scale of the accounting fraud was widespread and resonated throughout most of the corporation. This included false and creative reporting, misclassification of assets and liabilities and other such manipulations. In fact right from 1997 till its demise, Enron top executives were concerned with over-reporting profits and revenues and understating liabilities and expenses to present an i ncorrect picture of success to the world (Maclean & Elkind, 2003). So the whole edifice was crumbling and it was a case of rampant and collusive corruption and misreporting at almost all levels. The matrix reporting structure, where one reports to a direct supervisor as well as a regional head elsewhere is suggested as a good dual reporting mechanism to prevent irregularities. Was it a Question of Exceeding One’s Scope of Authority? Another reason that has been pointed out as the cause of the demise of Enron was that executives tended to exceed their limits or boundaries of authority. In fact, Ken Lay has claimed that he sometimes did not know exactly what Skilling and Fastow were doing in terms of coking up the books and presenting a false picture to investors and the general public. But the fact remains that authority and responsibility cannot be separated. Ken Lay as CEO must be held criminally liable for the doings of his CFOs as it was he who directed them to get the res ults that were shown on the books. So, even this argument does not hold weight. Executives are responsible for their own actions and directives, no matter what the chain of command. Was it a Question of Corporate Culture? Another excuse or reason pointed for the collapse of Enron was that it was due to the corporate culture of success that the executives had created over the years. Enron had earned a name for itself under Lay, and he wanted to remain
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Leadership in a Police Organization Research Paper
Leadership in a Police Organization - Research Paper Example By calling the attention of the harassing officers, I will also show that I do not condone the improper behavior and hope that my subordinates will adopt my example. Because the people in a police organization depend on each other, at times, even for their lives, there is a strong bond of loyalty tying one to the other which discourages them from speaking about each other’s misconducts. The whistleblowers broke this bond. As their leader, I will publicly applaud their courage to stick to their principles and go against the norm. By doing so, I am subconsciously sending a message to the harassing officers that upholding the law should start amongst those enforcing it. Hopefully, this loyalty to principle will end the harassment and encourage the rest to behave appropriately. (Mullen, A., 2000) It is difficult to be a new leader in an environment such as a police organization. The relationship among its members is bound by a certain sense of devotion that can sometimes cause one to act unethically. However, it is a trait of a good leader to be able to assess the situation and take appropriate action which would serve as an inspiration.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Forensic Accounting Essay Example for Free
Forensic Accounting Essay What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community? There are two systems of process that ensure all individuals have access to the benefits of our community. The first is due process which is the ability of getting noticed and participating in the decisions that affect an individual (Baird, 2011). The second is substantive process which makes sure people know and understand the rules (Baird, 2011). How do we ensure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame, and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard? We can make ethical decisions by creating fair systems for resolution of disputes and policies that state expectations (Baird,2011). We should care for all members and institutions of the community when allocating resources (Baird, 2011). We should give to each member of the community knowing they are a part of the happiness of the entire community. How might the Relationship Lens be misused through abuse of power or personal hubris? Having an excessive pride and arrogance can move us from unintentional ethical wrong doing to intentional wrong doing (Baird, 2011). Cite a recent example in the news. I have an example of hubris in my work place that I will share. Our current CEO has chosen to take his annual bonus when he made the decision to freeze raises and increase the employee cost of health insurance. He does not pay the premiums of his health insurance policy but raised the cost for all employees. He purchased a very expensive piece of equipment costing over $2.5 million in 2011 causing an operating loss for the year. This equipment holds a great deal of prestige for him in the healthcare industry. I have been very disappointed that he has made the decisions he has made with total disregard for all other employees affected. His excessive pride and arrogance has caused him to intentionally act unethically. What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community? Bella and Frederick both use the concept of moral ecology to callus to greater responsibility for the community.Frederick also reminds us that companies and corporations and communities at large have responsibilities toward life – conserving values such fairness, unselfishness,and restraint, that both create and sustain human collective life. Judeo-Christian tradition calls us to responsibility for others. Due process is used to achieve our goals, assuring that those without access to power have equal opportunity to thrive. How might the Relationship Lens be misused through abuse of power or personal hubris? Cite a recent example in the news. (If you dont know the meaning of hubris, look it up and include its definition as you answer this question.) As Timothy Clark noted, â€Å"The ambition to govern one’s fellow beings tend to view leadership as the pathway to glittering world of personal reward. Another risk that we run as we work is to become authoritarian and paternalistic. Another bias to watch is entrainment,where we are so cut up in work that we forget to ask important key questions. Hubris, excessive pride and arrogance,moves us from unintentional ethical wrongdoing to intentional wrongdoing. Biggest example I can recall is resent war in Iraq,President Bush and VP Chaney failed to show responsibilities as an ethical decision makers. How do you know when you are improperly using your personal power?How do you know when your life is out of balance? How do you bring it back into balance? The focus of the Relationship Lens is always fundamental fairness. Lens is inviting us to live a life in relationship with others in community. If decision maker is not balancing the personal need of individual to community needs, if he or she not subordinates own rights to that of the group. After making the decision one must ask himself questions, analyze decision through different ethic lenses. What improvements could we make on our process of ethical analysis? Did we like the results? What were the problems with the process? What decision we are not comfortable with? As we reflect on the results,we can put strategic for the future and became more ethical in our decisions in other words more ethically mature. We also can improve and bring our self to balanced ethical ground. a. The systems I believe that are needed to ensure access to benefits in our community are education, health, and judicial. An education system is important to help equip individuals with necessary skills that will help them to earn a living and contribute to the well being of their society. A health care system will help to maintain a healthy community by addressing all health needs. Having a judicial system will ensure that justice is dispensed and that fairness and adherence of the laws are followed. b. A Democratic System of Government which is guided by the Constitution can assure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame, and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard. The Constitution is used as a guide by Government to craft legislation, laws and regulations to ensure that there is fairness and justice in society. d. We may know that we are improperly using our personal power when for example we are in a position of leadership or power and use our office to influence others to do things our way. We may realize that our life is out of balance when we become depressed, suicidal, suffer from addition and is easily enraged. We can to my mind bring our life back into balance by doing introspection, and accepting responsibility. What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community. There are several systems that are design to allow access to benefits. These include laws that are used to identify and support individuals who would require such services. If a medical provider or a school employee notices something that might be child abuse or elder abuse, they are required by law to report it. By reporting a possible incident a wide net of services are employed to investigate and perhaps implement services needed by the individual. Laws are also passed to describe who gets and what benefits are available to an individual. Social agencies, organizations and religious groups are often used to educate, locate and provide for the individuals in need. The media in various forms is often used to promote changes or additions to the benefits. A well educated community is the best weapon in the organizations arsenal. How do we ensure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard? It is sometimes very difficult to ensure all of the fairness listed above in the heat of the moment. In order to do so one must step back and remove oneself from the heat of the event. When emotions become to involved it is difficult to implement fairness. This can be seen when the media appears to convict someone before they are arrested and tried. Laws have been passed to help identify areas that should be address fairly and these include race, age, disability ,and religion. Legislation has also determined a federal minimal wage and passed laws dealing with equal pay for equal work. Labor Unions often campaign for certain employment benefits for its members. The knowledge that a businesss could be sued for unfairness or prejudice is another protection. Businesses often have a policy Manuel that addresses how they will deal with certain issues. Knowledge of an individuals rights and duties written down gives all sides the knowledge of what is considered right and wrong in that group. . How do you know when you are improperly using your personal power? How do you know when your life is out of balance? How do you bring it back into balance? Self analysis and appraisal is required to obtain this knowledge. Every once in a while one must ask oneself if one is following the right path. Listening to others is a good way to identify if one is improperly using ones power. It doesnt mean they are always correct but it may point your self reflection in the right direction. Checking ones ethical compass is another. I know when my life is out of balance when I can not be everywhere at once. Work stresses, problems and information should stay there. Family and personal business should not interfere with work or school. When I find myself spending time from one part of my life dealing with another part of my life then I am our of balance. Again one must step back and access what is going on and figure out if it is going to be temporary or long term. One can then figure out a course of action and decide what is needed. Being brave enough to ask for help if needed.  Superwoman is an concept promoted by the media that does exist, rather one needs to make sure one is not overwhelmed. In addition if it is a major project or event sometimes if I break it into pieces it is easier to digest and equilibrium returns. What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community? The types of systems that are need to that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or a broader community would be systems such electricity which allows everyone to have access to light, television for allowing the world to come into your place of living, and also the telephone systems that allows individuals to communicate with the world through voice. 2. How do we ensure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard? We ensure fair treatment , fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard by establishment organizations such as the Equal Employment opportunity commission(EEOC) for fair treatment. Fair administration of rules would include organizations such as the Federal Trade Commission(FTC) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration(FMSCA)Fair compensation organizations would include the Department of Labor(DOL). Fair blame and due process would be the Justice system. 3. How do you know when you are improperly using your personal power? How do you know when your life is out of balance? How do you bring it back into balance. Where in truth good choices are not made. Also power is abused, it can result from an imbalance of information education or financial resources, than the other party may not be able to freely choose what I wants to do. When power is out of balance, we often are using the persons as a means to our preferred ends rather than treating the person as an end, a human being with a autonomy and choices in how to live his life. To bring power back into balance is to establish a connection with your inner spirit and knowing the right thing to.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hills Like White Elephants Essay -- Hills Like White Elephants Essays
     The story â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†is about a couple who discuss an abortion. The American in the story addresses it as a â€Å"simple operation,†(487) while Jig seems to feel it is the wrong choice. I feel the man is encouraging her to have the abortion done in his own selfish way.      I feel the American is being very selfish and thinking what a simple operation it would be. He tells Jig, â€Å"It’s really an awfully simple operation, Jig.†(487)†It’s not really an operation at all.†(487)How easy it would be for the American to have an opinion like this since he would never have to experience the pain. He doesn’t have to deal with any of the physical or emotional scares. He just keeps reassuring her that it will be a simple operation. He says, â€Å"I know you wouldn’t mind it, Jig. It’s really not anything. It’s just to let the air in.†Is this what other men have told him? Has he ever taken the time to talk with women who have had the â€Å"simple operation?†As a man it would be very easy to think it’s a simple operation, but is this the reassurance that women want and need from men when they are faced with this decision? The American says, â€Å"I’ll go with you and stay with you all the time. They just let the air in and then it’s all perfectly natural.†(487)      Jig shows signs of regret as though the American is forcing her into this decision. I don’t feel that it is something that she wants to do. Ji...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Iago as the cunning villain of the play Othello
Iago is one of the most complex and interesting characters in this play. He is in the Venetian army and is General Othello's trusted aide. He is married to Emilia, who is Desdemona's' (Othello's' wife) care taker. Iago is well acquainted with Othello, Rodrigo Cassio and Desdemona, and hence all these puppets are infected by his evil manipulations. Iago uses several linguistic and psychological techniques to achieve his ends. Now I shall discuss Shakespeare's portrayal of Iago, his manipulating techniques, and how the audiences respond to his portrayal. The time, in which this play is set in, the Venetian society is racist against coloured people. The role of women of Desdemona's status was not equal to that of the men. They were the properties of their fathers, to be sold into marriage, and interracial relationships were considered disrespect to the family. They were meant to be innocent virginal, saintly souls. Many themes are introduced into the play Othello, which mostly compare the contrasts in life. There is Darkness and Reality, Appearance and reality, Love jealousy and hatred. Iago has white skin colour, but has a dark black and merciless heart, where as Othello has black skin, and has a noble and honorable heart, a white heart. Iago is portrayed, as the symbolism of evil but is still only a human in reality. Iago is jealous of Cassio and yet understands acknowledges it. Othello loves Desdemona, yet when poisoned by Iago he starts to become jealous and later on hates her, which is proved from his attempt to murder her. Iago is a very cunning villain of the play. He does not attack the characters physically, but he seems to be gifted with a demon like power of evil intelligence, which allows him to judge a persons character quickly, and hence allow him to, manipulate them into down a continuously narrower path, to their demise. He uses carefully thought up vulgar, brash and words, which shock his listeners and the audience to be enraptured into his thoughts. All this makes Iago possibly the most interesting character of the play, which one would think unlikely since Othello is the hero, and Iago is the villain. Iago is portrayed by Shakespeare as a racist character, and since there is only one coloured man, his racism is hence focused with full force onto Othello. Also since he is cunning, and does not resort to physical violence to destroy Othello, he uses the fact that Othello is black to help accomplish his goals, by using brash, disgusting, and crude language when discussing about the sexual conquest of Brabantio's white daughter by the black Othello. Brabantio was hence horrified to hear from Iago that a ‘barbary horse' (Othello) was ‘making the beast with two backs' with Desdemona. Here Iago is saying that Othello is having sex with Desdemona, but notice the language he uses to shock all the people around him, and since his main goal in the play is to destroy Othello, these words aid him, by first disrespecting Othello, and reminding everyone he is a black man, and hence has the barbaric manners that were thought typical in the society those days. The audiences response to this racist man would not have seemed different because in those days slavery and racism were very real and it was abnormal not to be racist, as a Moor would have been associated with brutality, ignorance evil, and sexual immortality. Iago hates Othello and is looking to seek his revenge, because Othello gave Cassio the job that he thinks he deserves. He uses racist words such as ‘the moor' and insults him behind his back by making fun of his ‘thick lips'. Shakespeare has also made Iago admit ‘I hate the Moor' many a time throughout the play. Although Iago does not dare speak these vile descriptions near Othello, since it would not be a cunning card to play as it would make all the crystal plates delicately spinning upon his fingers to waver and crash to the floor. He uses insults such as ‘old black ram' when talking to Brabantio against Othello to rouse him against Othello, and possibly have him hanged for ‘making the beast with two backs' with Desdemona. We can see by this that Iago is using these racist words to make other characters hate Othello, which is very cunning, because it brings down his reputation as an honest and noble man. Also the audience would have probably shared these prejudiced thoughts by Iago, and hence approved of the villain, which is rare for Shakespeare's range of stories, where he usually makes the hero approved by the audience. Iago is an expert judge of character, which gives him an advantage. One example where he utilizes this example is with Roderigo where he knows how madly in love he is for Desdemona, and acts as if he is helping her in making Desdemona his, when he is actually fooling him into giving him money for a job he is not doing. Cunningly Iago says even says that ‘thus do I ever make my fool my purse' where Roderigo is the fool, and by manipulating this fool he is making money to add to his purse. Iago is portrayed by Shakespeare as an opportunist. One example would be when Cassio is asking for Desdemona's help for reuniting him with Othello, but then when Iago and Othello come, he walks off to avoid confrontation. Iago, knowing Othello's greatest weakness to be Desdemona. He undermines Othello's faith in her by saying ‘Ha! I like not that. This is extremely cunning and dastardly of Iago, to have used this opportunity of what seems like Cassio sneaking away after having a romantic talk with Desdemona, to destroy Othello, by making him doubt his faith, in love. But what makes Othello trust Iago so much in the first place the audiences might wonder. It is because Iago is portrayed by Shakespeare as ‘honest Iago' and Iago repeatedly says these words in a humble manner, to act as propaganda, so that people do think him as an honest and faithful man. Though this is not true at all, this is just another of Iago's cunning techniques in manipulating people, he manipulates their judgment of his character. Iago is the ultimate deceiver, during the play, excluding the end; rarely does anyone question Iago's true motives. This is because through his cunning techniques, of putting up false, yet believable fronts, he does not allow them too. He uses Roderigo; by deceiving him with lies of how Desdemona is close to being his, and fools him and keeps on mining money out of him. Though Roderigo later begins to question Iago. I think it is getting a bit scurvy and begin to find himself stuck in it' and he also says that Iago is beginning to get stuck in his intricate web. Iago, realizing the danger, with his quick mind, and a immortal like intelligence he quickly tries to prove that he is faithful to Roderigo by promoting and agreeing to murder Cassio to aid Roderigo aim of getting Desdemona, since Cassio is his competitor for Desdemona. Roderigo agrees at once, and he himself becomes stuck in Iago's web. This example shows us how cunning Iago is, and what a good improviser he is, at such evil deeds. Iago uses characters weak points to destroy them. Othello's weak point is Desdemona, and his faith in her love, as he says ‘my life upon her faith' Hence Iago targets this. He undermines Othello's faith in her by feeding him lies, about her having sex with Cassio, and how he Cassio later dreams of those encounters. This throws Othello into such a jealous rage he goes crazy, and then when he encounters Desdemona, he does not believer her, because he is caught up in the imagery given by Iago of her in bed with Cassio. Iago's linguistic power is something of amazement, and this proves he is the most cunning and evil character of the play. Iago has no guilt, none at all. He destroys relationships, leads characters down paths with a terrible end, and even steals from his own friends. He is like a devil, and he has so many superficial motives, it is clear, he truly has none at all, and is just a sadistic demon, who finds pleasure in creating anarchy. Iago's main aim in the play is to destroy Othello and his relationships. Hence he has to destroy other people too, to achieve the final aim. One of the characters he exploits, other then Roderigo is the gullible Cassio. He knew that Cassio could not ‘handle his drink' well, and becomes aggressive when drunk. Hence he persuaded him into drinking, and making him get into a fight, which led him to be fired from his position by Othello. Not only does Iago disgrace Cassio, he also tells Cassio to go to Desdemona to solve his problem, and that she will help because she has a good heart: ‘she holds it a vice in her goodness not to be more than a requested' Iago later turns the encounter into what seems as a secret affair between Desdemona and Cassio, which does not please Othello at all. In conclusion Iago is portrayed by Shakespeare as an extremely cunning, jealous, subtle, sadistic racist, motiveless and manipulative devil-like human being. Who jumps at the opportunity to use anything to help him reach his goals, which in to destroy Othello, his relationships, and the friends who surround him. Iago symbolizes evil in everyway, though not the typical evil of brute anarchical strength, but the tactful evil which is much more productive with its method, to psychologically destroy a person through preying on their weaknesses. The audience's response to this portrayal ranges from interest, awe, shame and disgust. Iago interests the audience with his plans and how he implements them, he awes the audience with the magic like power he has to manipulate characters to their own destructions, and Iago disgusts the audience by how he revels in his destructive plans, and the anarchy he implements.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
My Role Model-Suhas Gopinath Essay
Bangalore boy who launched his own firm at the young age of 14 years. Gopinath (born November 4, 1986) is the CEO and co-founder of Global Inc. -an up- coming IT company that produces Web sites and software, employs 400 people around the world and become a national icon. The Limca Book of Records – the Indian version of the Guniess Book of Records – lists him as the world’s Youngest CEO. Suhas Gopinath started a software company at the age 14 and since become one of the most remarkable success stories of the Indian IT boom. Now he’s 22 and runs a world-class business with 400 employees. In 2005, an investing firm from Houston, Texas offered him $100 million for majority stake in Global. He refused, â€Å"after several months of discussions, admittedly†. The reason for his negative response: â€Å"Why should I sell my baby? †The transformation During the mid-1990s, the first Internet cafes began opening up in Bangalore, with one going into operation next door to Gopinath’s house. My brother Shreyas took me there. I was fascinated. The Internet changed my life, he says. He spent every spare minute online. He learned himself how to build Web sites. He spent every rupee he had in the internet cafe, says his mother. Gopinath admits, I had been a good student up until then. After I discovered the internet, I was an average student. Before finding cyberspace, he had dreams of becoming a veterinarian. His first project In 1998, when he was 13, Gopinath launched his first website: www. coolhindustan. com. I wanted to provide Indians all over the world with a forum to post public events, tips for eating out and everything else they’re interested in, he recalls. The Web site became popular – including with hackers in Pakistan. They attacked cool Hindustan and replaced the Web site’s logo with â€Å"Cool Pakistan†. That was a terrible experience, Suhas says today. He abandoned the project. By then, talent scouts in Silicon Valley had already heard of Suhas Gopinath and the company â€Å"Network Solutions†invited the young Indian to its headquarters in San Jose, California. It was the first time he had ever boarded a plane and the first time he had been Outside India’s borders. They offered me a job. They also would have paid for my education in the United States, he says. His answer, though, was no, why should I do for another company what I could do for my own? About his company L to R: -Suhas Gopinath, former president Abdul Kalam. Gopinath wasn’t going to wait four years. He cheated: Along with three friends, he registered his company in San Jose. Online, of course, he says. He wanted to name the company â€Å"Global Solutions†, but that name was already taken. He opted for Global. Today, he still regrets that he wasn’t able to start his company in Bangalore. India’s most important politicians know the young man. He was even granted a private conversation with President Abdul Kalam. I told him that the age limit for starting a company has to be removed, Gopinath says. Kalam promised him support, but so far nothing has changed. The law wasn’t the only obstacle, though. Potential customers cancelled their orders when they learned their business partner was barely 14. Many people didn’t take him seriously he remembers. As soon as he began sprouting facial air, he grew moustache, though he has, on the advice of friends, since shaved it off. Ultimately, Gopinath managed to overcome every obstacle. World gradually spread about his company’s abilities and Gopinath hired more and more people and opened up more offices. He became the boss, employer and chief executive – all in mid puberty. Most of his employees are just young: The average age is 21 with the oldest being a ripe old 26 and the youngest 12. Gopinath is unable to give the latter a full time job – that would amount to child labor. But we gave him a computer with internet connection, Gopinath says, Now he works for us sometimes on Web design. 200 Customers the World Over Gopinath’s company is into web-based and software solutions, mobile and e-commerce solutions – besides making web sites for corporates, advertisers and educational institutions. Meanwhile Global has amassed 200 customers across the globe and now has offices in 11 countries with some 65 percentage of company turn over coming from Europe. The young Indians have become particularly good at identifying unfilled market niches. They developed a software product for schools, for example, allowing a teacher to easily enter grades and attendance and enabling parents to check that their children are showing up to class – a kind of electronics class register. The Indian government was thrilled with the idea and recently contracted Global to set up the program in 1,000 schools. Now that he is 21, Gopinath is thinking of transferring the company headquarters to India – even though some 125 people now work for Global in San Jose against only 25 in Bangalore. What would be happen to the employees in the United States? We’II see, Gopinath says. â€Å"The new developments are coming mainly from Bangalore†. Going to university on the side L to R: M. R. Gopinath-Suhas’ father, Shri. M V Rajashekaran-Minister, Suhas Gopinath, Kala Gopinath-Suhas’ mother) Gopinath’s father, M. R Gopinath, once a scientist at the Defense Ministry, now acknowledges that his son made the right choices during the last seven years. They are proud parents, but they still haven’t let him go. â€Å"To us, it’s important that he gets a degree, the father says. â€Å"Education is the most important thing in India†.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Darkness essays
Darkness essays A sixteen-year-old girl Kelly Anderson and her family lived in Atlanta. Kelly was alone at home one day because her parents were invited to dinner at Bob Creighton's house that owned Creighton Construction. Kelly's father Ted was looking for a job in construction, but was turned down by Bob. While back at the house where Kelly was, she was in the bathroom, with the door open and the lights shut. She was looking in the mirror when she saw a man in the mirror over her shoulder. The man Kelly had seen so often in her dreams but only caught glimpses of when she was awake but at that moment she saw him clearly. He was old, his loose skin hanging in folds and his eyes sunken deep within his sockets. Kelly had been seeing a psychiatrist before because her mother, Mary, thought that she needed help, she thought it all started after her parents told her that she was adopted, but this man had appeared to her ever since she was born. She stopped going to the psychiatrist because she tol d her parents and the doctor that the Man was gone she did this to convince herself that he was gone but really he wasn't. As she continued to stand there in the darkness of the bathroom, she turned around but he wasn't there, she turned on the light and turned back to the mirror and he was still there and now his hands were reaching towards her throat. She started yelling "no! No more!" then she punched the mirror, and the mirror shattered, and she could still see her ancient tormentor still mocking her, laughing at her, reaching out for her. She picked up one of the sharp pieces of glass raised it up and plunged the blade into her belly. Determined to end the life of the baby that was growing inside her and her own. The baby that was growing inside of her she knew was the old mans because one night she felt him but she didn't bother to open her eyes or yell because she didn't want her parents to think she was crazy, she convinced hersel...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Common Job Interview Questions for ESL Learners
Common Job Interview Questions for ESL Learners The first impression you make on the interviewer can decide the rest of the interview. It is important that you introduce yourself, shake hands, and be friendly and polite. The first question is often a breaking the ice (establish a rapport) type of question. Dont be surprised if the interviewer asks you something like: How are you today?Did you have any trouble finding us?Isnt this great weather were having? This type of question is common because the interviewer wants to put you at ease (help you relax). The best way to respond is in a short, friendly manner without going into too much detail. Here are some examples correct responses: Common Interview Questions - First Impressions Interviewer: How are you today?You: Im fine, thank you. And you? OR Interviewer: Did you have any trouble finding us?You: No, the office isnt too difficult to find. OR Interviewer: Isnt this great weather were having?You: Yes, its wonderful. I love this time of year. OR Interviewer: Did you have any trouble finding us?You: No, the office isnt too difficult to find. Here are some examples of incorrect responses: Interviewer: How are you today?You: So, so. Im rather nervous actually. OR Interviewer: Did you have any trouble finding us?You: As a matter of fact, it was very difficult. I missed the exit and had to return via the highway. I was afraid I was going to be late for the interview. OR Interviewer: Isnt this great weather were having?​You: Yes, its wonderful. I can remember this time last year. Wasnt it awful! I thought it would never stop raining! OR Interviewer: Did you have any trouble finding us?You: No, the office isnt too difficult to find. Getting Down to Business Once the pleasant beginnings have finished, its time to begin the real interview. Here are a number of the most common questions that are asked during the interview. There are two examples of excellent replies given for each question. Following the examples, you will find a comment describing the type of question and important things to remember when answering that type of question. Interviewer: Tell me about yourself.Candidate: I was born and raised in Milan, Italy. I attended the University of Milan and received my masters degree in Economics. I have worked for 12 years as a financial consultant in Milan for various companies including Rossi Consultants, Quasar Insurance and Sardi and Sons. I enjoy playing tennis in my free time and learning languages. Candidate: Ive just graduated from the University of Singapore with a degree in Computers. During the summers, I worked as a systems administrator for a small company to help pay for my education. Comment: This question is meant as an introduction. Do not focus too specifically on any one area. The above question will often be used to help the interviewer choose what h/she would like to ask next. While it is important to give an overall impression of who you are, make sure to concentrate on work-related experience. Work related experience should always be the central focus of any interview (work experience is more important than education in most English-speaking countries). Interviewer: What type of position are you looking for?Candidate: Im interested in an entry-level (beginning) position.Candidate: Im looking for a position in which I can utilize my experience.Candidate: I would like any position for which I qualify. Comment: You should be willing to take an entry-level position in an English speaking company as most of these companies expect non-nationals to begin with such a position. In the United States, most companies provide many opportunities for growth, so dont be afraid to start from the beginning! Interviewer: Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?Candidate: I am more interested in a full-time position. However, I would also consider a part-time position. Comment: Make sure to leave open as many possibilities as possible. Say you are willing to take any job, once the job has been offered you can always refuse if the job does not appeal (not interest) to you. Interviewer: Can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job?Candidate: I advised customers on financial matters. After I consulted the customer, I completed a customer inquiry form and cataloged the information in our database. I then collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the client. The clients were then presented with a summarized report on their financial activities that I formulated on a quarterly basis. Comment: Notice the amount of detail necessary when you are talking about your experience. One of the most common mistakes made by foreigners when discussing their former employment is to speak too generally. The employer wants to know exactly what you did and how you did it; the more detail you can give the more the interviewer knows that you understand the type of work. Remember to vary your vocabulary when talking about your responsibilities. Also, do not begin every sentence with I. Use the passive voice, or an introductory clause to help you add variety to your presentation Interviewer: What is your greatest strength?Candidate: I work well under pressure. When there is a deadline (a time by which the work must be finished), I can focus on the task at hand (current project) and structure my work schedule well. I remember one week when I had to get 6 new customer reports out by Friday at 5. I finished all the reports ahead of time without having to work overtime. Candidate: I am an excellent communicator. People trust me and come to me for advice. One afternoon, my colleague was involved with a troublesome (difficult) customer who felt he was not being served well. I made the customer a cup of coffee and invited both my colleague and the client to my desk where we solved the problem together. Candidate: I am a trouble shooter. When there was a problem at my last job, the manager would always ask me to solve it. Last summer, the LAN server at work crashed. The manager was desperate and called me in (requested my help) to get the LAN back online. After taking a look at the daily backup, I detected the problem and the LAN was up and running (working) within the hour. Comment: This is not the time to be modest! Be confident and always give examples. Examples show that you are not only repeating words you have learned, but actually do possess that strength. Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?Candidate: I am overzealous (work too hard) and become nervous when my co-workers are not pulling their weight (doing their job). However, I am aware of this problem, and before I say anything to anyone, I ask myself why the colleague is having difficulties. Candidate: I tend to spend too much time making sure the customer is satisfied. However, I began setting time-limits for myself If I noticed this happening. Comment: This is a difficult question. You need to mention a weakness that is actually a strength. Make sure that you always mention how you try to improve the weakness. Interviewer: Why do you want to work for Smith and Sons?Candidate: After following your firms progress for the last 3 years, I am convinced that Smith and Sons are becoming one of the market leaders and I would like to be part of the team. Candidate: I am impressed by the quality of your products. I am sure that I would be a convincing salesman because I truly believe that the Atomizer is the best product on the market today. Comment: Prepare yourself for this question by becoming informed about the company. The more detail you can give, the better you show the interviewer that you understand the company. Interviewer: When can you begin?Candidate: Immediately.Candidate: As soon as you would like me to begin. Comment: Show your willingness to work! The above questions represent some of the most basic questions asked on any job interview in English. Probably the most important aspect of interviewing in English is giving detail. As a speaker of English as a second language, you might be shy about saying complicated things. However, this is absolutely necessary as the employer is looking for an employee who knows his or her job. If you provide detail, the interviewer will know that you feel comfortable in that job. Dont worry about making mistakes in English. It is much better to make simple grammar mistakes and provide detailed information about your experience than to say grammatically perfect sentences without any real content.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Share your critical response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Share your critical response - Assignment Example s out that it took efforts of the federal government which represents collective action of many of the American citizens to abolish slavery, to create a developed system of railroads and bring the country to prosperity. In other words, it would not be wise to reject the leading role of the government in the process of development of the social environment. In other words, why would people want to get rid of something that has proven to be effective? Another example is taken from the current political world. The author suggests that when both far left and right argue the necessity of a new revolution, they fail to see that they are faced with a dilemma that none of them is able to solve. For example, governmental surveillance is needed to protect people from terrorism, but if we accept it we should also accept that it violates some of the basic rights of the people. Gutting, Gary. "You Say You Want a Revolution." Opinionator You Say You Want a Revolution Comments. N.p., 2 July 2013. Web. 30 Sept. 2014.
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