Monday, January 27, 2020
SanGrafix Video Game Company Business Process
SanGrafix Video Game Company Business Process The BMI was part of analyzing and selecting vital areas of SanGrafix Video Game Company. It was prepared on March 22, 2017. Regardless of how well the company plans for downtime errors, there is a chance that this will happen and the main point of consideration is how fast the company is able to recover from such errors. Purpose The purpose of this document is to identify and prioritize various system components in line with business processes that the system supports. It has the following parts: Determining business processes and the areas that require critical recovery Identifying resource requirements as per their urgency within the company Identifying recovery priorities for system resources based on the urgency of required production (Gadir et al., 2015). 2. System Description SanGrafix is a video game company of the 21st century that endeavors to create a scintillating experience with each video game they create. They are known to take the gaming experience to the next level as they aim to create a gaming experience that completely assimilates the real life experience. The company has a majority of its first-hand market in America. It offers a great variety of games from car racing to combat games all of which are the state of the art quality. The company works under the principles of getting better and making the customer experience better and improved with each new product that is launched to the market. The company is highly reliant on top notch technology which drives the innovation behind each of their amazing products and hence its competitiveness is highly dependent on its ability to ensure they minimize errors or enhance their capability to recover from such errors within the shortest time (Master, 2014). The company is setting its footprints in an industry where the competition from other companies is fierce, and the chance of being kicked out and rendered irrelevant are beyond high. The company has a huge basement of employees all performing different specialized tasks aimed at ensuring continuous provision of services to its clients. There are the technical engineers who are in charge of developing and maintain the companys system performing at optimal levels which include the network infrastructure, the hardwar e and software components. They are also in charge of creating the gaming programs that the company uses. The company as well has developers who come up with the games as well as constantly improving on them now and then according to developments in the market. The business has a vibrant marketing department which is always at the forefront of letting the consumers aware of any new products. The marketing team is as well in charge of creating and coming up with news ways through which the company can increase its reach to the market. The marketing team has been using the online platform as the main channel of marketing. 3. BIA Data Collection The company as earlier mentioned uses the online platform as the main tool of marketing. The majority of the sales are recorded through the online shop while other sales are through and online catalogs. Calls can also be made to the head of the department where assistance is offered regarding sales or any other queries that the clients might have. 3.1 Determine Process and System Criticality E-commerce processes are the heart and soul of SanGrafix Company since a huge percentage of the sales are recorded through the e-commerce platform. The majority of the clients do not even have the idea of where the company is located physically their interaction with the company is mostly limited to the e-commerce platform. As a result, the e-commerce processes are quintessential to the firm. The e-commerce processes of online payments include the transfer of funds from the buyers account to the banks accounts. The majority of companies in the gaming industry is set on creating profits and so does SanGrafix and among the key supporters in the gaming profit generators is the E-mail based communications and the network that allows for multi-player support over a network for the company. Far away clients reach the company through emails where they place their orders waiting for delivery or response through the emails. The same emails are highly used within the company structure to pass information from one source to another every time it is deemed necessary to pass information around. The same email communication platform is highly utilized to get information about customers reaction towards certain products as the company has made it their traditions to seek the feelings of the customers towards services delivery and product performance. The customers are encouraged to use the email services more than the telephone mode to let the company know their reactions. The company is practically in existence due to its online presence more than the physical presence. As a result, the Marketing and public relations sector are as well critically dependent on the online platform. The company conducts most of its marketing through its website as well as another host of social media pages it operates. The company has a lot of followers across the various social platforms who keep on increasing every so time. The followers are always keen and eager to learn of new products or any new information regarding their favorite product while at the same time there is a team of dedicated personnel who is always ready to feed the market with any form of information deemed necessary. Through this continuous exchange, the company can expand its market while at the same time maintain a high level of public relations with the clients. Other departments that require the online presence within the company but at a lowered rate include the Research and development activities where research on how to improve on the current products is carried out. A team of developers who work on flexible working durations requires the online platform to expand the creativity into making the video games of the future. Customer service handling can be carried out through the online platform as well as through the telephone channels. Mission/Business Process Description e-commerce processes processes through which the company accepts payments for products Marketing and public relations Mechanism through which the company markets its products to the market Research and development activities Process of coming up with new products and improving existing ones Customer service handling Might require both online and telephone lines 3.1.1 Identify Outage Impacts and Estimated Downtime Some of the potential outages that face the company include power outages which are normally rare and far in between. Nonetheless, the company is well equipped with a secondary source of energy that automatically reconnects as soon as a power outage is experienced which narrows the downtime experienced as the switch the second source of energy is almost immediate. A server crash also negatively affects the operations of the company since most of their online activities would be brought to a halt. Nonetheless, the downtime experienced in this is short since it would only take a few moments to get hosting from other servers while a repair is being done to the companys server. A website hack would also be catastrophic to the company since lots of business is done through the website. The downtime in this would be long since tracking hacking activities could be tedious and long to trace (Cordero et al., 2011). Outage Impacts Severe = a lot of money and time Moderate = low fees and limited time Minimal = limited cost and time If of a power outage the company suffers minimal impact since business is barely affected by the power outage given the time lapse between switching the secondary power source is almost immediately. As a result power outage is a minimal impact outage to the company. Server crash carries the medium impact since getting another web to host the company is both costly and could take some moments hence negatively affecting the business. A hacking problem could have severe impact on the business since the amount of time and data lost in the process is a lot and could compromise the integrity and public confidence of the company besides violating the federation laws of protecting the client information and this could be followed by unending lawsuits that could push SanGrafix out of the gaming industry business (Wiggins, 2008). Estimated Downtime Maximum Tolerable Downtime (MTD) by the company is the least time possible to get the business functioning again at the least cost Recovery Time Objective (RTO) allocated to a power outage as well as server crash is minimal while the RTO for hacking could be extended. Recovery Point Objective (RPO) for the company is daily hence it will lose a days data which is not so devastating for business. Mission/Business Process MTD RTO RPO Power outage Less than 1 hour Less than 1 hour Less than 1 hour Server crash 6 hours 4 hours 12 hours Hacking 72 hours 48 hours 12 hours 3.2 Identify Recovery Priorities for System Resources The recovery time required for several outages is variant from each other. Priority System Resource/Component Recovery Time Objective Power outage Electricity Almost immediately to rebuild Server crash Optiplex GX280 Less than 12 hours to get another host Hacking Optiplex GX280 Less than 72 hours to reconstruct References Master, L. L. (2014). Assessing threats and setting priorities for conservation. Conservation of networks, 5(4), 559-563 Cordero, A., Gonzalez, N., Chen, Z., Campos, R., Polanco, A., Melfi, D., Ouchaou, M. (2011). U.S. Patent Application No. 09/789,834. Gadir, O. M., Subbanna, K., Vayyala, A. R., Shanmugam, H., Bodas, A. P., Tripathy, T. K., Rao, K. H. (2015). U.S. Patent No. 6,944,785. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Wiggins, C. (2008). U.S. Patent No. 5,717,604. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Mental Retardation
70. 55. 40. 25. These are the four degrees of mental retardation. These numbers represent the severity of mental retardation in an individual. Each degree is categorized under Mild, Moderate, Severe and Profound. Severity Unspecified is also a term used when there is a strong presumption of Mental Retardation but the standards test cannot conclude the severity therefore the person’s intelligence is not sustained by the standard test. In diagnosing mental retardation, there must be three criterion’s met a IQ below 70 and significant limitations in two or more areas of adaptive behaviors.In example, communication, self help, interpersonal skills, self-directions, resources, functional academic skills, work, home living, health and safety (American Psychiatric Association. 2000). A more common symptom for an individual with mental retardation is adaptive functioning. A persons background is also taken into consideration during the test analysis social cultural background, motivation and education. Genetic screening takes place before the child is born. There are a few common tests that can help in diagnosing. Prenatal testing is offered to detect any changes in the fetus.This testing is offered if there is a increase risk’s that the fetus will have a chromosomal or genetic disorder. However, this cannot detect all birth disorders. Diagnostic testing is put into use when there is suspicion of a particular condition based on physical signs and symptoms. Newborn screening is used right after birth to identify any genetic disorders (Undefined. 2013). Among children, the cause is usually unknown for one-third to one-half of cases (Daily, Ardringer, and Holmes. 2000). Mental Retardation is diagnosed before eighteen years of age.A few common causes of Mental Retardation are genetic conditions, problems during pregnancy, and problems at birth, exposure to toxins or diseases, and malnutrition. Genetic conditions can occur when genes are combined or the parents inherit abnormal genes. A fetus not developing properly in the womb can also lead to Mental Retardation. Problems at birth can lead to brain damage when a child is unable to get enough oxygen. Exposure to toxins and diseases such as lead, mercury or contracting whooping cough, measles or meningitis can cause mental disability.Malnutrition has also been a cause of reduced intelligence. Mild Mental Retardation used to be referred to as an educational category or â€Å"educable†. About eighty five percent of individuals with Mental Retardation are diagnosed with Mild Mental Retardation. A typical individual can usually develop social and communication skills during his or her preschool years, zero to five years of age. Though they have minimal impairment in sensorimotor areas they are not often distinguishable from other children until they have reached a later age.During their late teen years they have acquired academic skills equivalent to a sixth grader. Social and v ocational skills for minimal support are achieved during the their adult years. A few individuals may need supervision, assistance or guidance. This is more common during unusual social or economic stress. However, as adults they have proven to be successful in the community under independent or supervised settings. Moderate mental retardation is referred to in the education category as â€Å"trainable.†This term is generally not used nor should be used since it implies that people with Moderate Mental Retardation do not benefit from an education program (American Psychiatric Association. 2000). Out of the entire population of people diagnosed with Mental Retardation, only ten percent are constituted as Moderate. People diagnosed with Moderate Mental Retardation acquire communication skills early in childhood and often benefit from vocational training or moderate supervision. Individuals with Moderate Mental Retardation are able to attend to their personal care and have the capability to travel independently in familiar places.Training in social and occupational is beneficial, however persons diagnosed are unlikely to progress beyond the second grade level in academic subjects. During the adolescent years social conventions can interfere with peer relationships. In adult years, the individual is able to perform skilled or semi skilled tasks under minimal supervision in the general workforce. Persons with Moderate Mental Retardation adapt well to life in the community usually under supervision (American Psychiatric Association. 2000).Severe Mental Retardation occurs in three to four percent of the population. The individual may learn little to no communication but can be trained to adapt to elementary skills. An extension in pre academic subjects is highly profited. This can lead to familiarizing themselves with the alphabet, survival words and simple counting tasks. A person is capable of adapting well to life in the community unless another handicap i s associated. One percent to two percent is diagnosed with Profound Mental Retardation.A child who displays a considerable impairment in sensorimotor functioning is diagnosed with Profound Mental Retardation, however most are identified through neurological conditions accounting for Mental Retardation. High development can occur in a very structured environment of supervision and reoccurring aid. An individualized relationship between the caregiver and diagnosed individual is best suited. Clinically, Mental Retardation is only a subtype of intellectual deficit; a broader concept and includes intellectual deficits but are too mild to accurately pin point and qualify as Mental Retardation.In contrast, this can also be too specific (as in Specific Learning Disability) or something acquired later in life through acquired brain injuries or neurodegenerative disease like dementia. Intellectual deficits can appear at any age unlike Mental Retardation, which is primarily diagnosed before th e age of eighteen. However, Developmental Disability is a disability due to problems with growth and development (Lawyer. 2010). The term Development Disability encompasses various congenital medical conditions that are not related to mental or intellectual components, though it is at times used as a euphemism for Mental Retardation.
Friday, January 10, 2020
A & P: A Study of Society’s Norms
â€Å"I felt how hard the world was going to be for me hereafter,†Sammy mutters at the end of John Updike’s short story, â€Å"A & P.†On the surface, Sammy is talking about the problems he will experience after telling his boss that he has quitted his job, but he is really referring to the beginning of his responsibility to defend people being judged for their appearances, and to stand up to authority when the rules limit people’s freedom and creativity. He understands the difficulty of the mission he has given himself.The episode that changes Sammy’s life happens one day in an A & P supermarket. As a nineteen year old who mans one of the check-out registers at the supermarket, he observes three girls enter wearing only their bathing suits.This completely distracts him so that he cannot even remember if he has â€Å"rang up†the â€Å"Hiho crackers†(Updike) for one of the customers. On the other hand, he can remember the details of the three girls’ appearances. He thinks less generously of the customer who bought the Hiho crackers, referring to her as someone who if â€Å"born at the right time they would have burned her over in Salem†(Updike).â€Å"You could see them, when Queenie's white shoulders dawned on them, kind of jerk, or hop, or hiccup, but their eyes snapped back to their own baskets and on they pushed. I bet you could set off dynamite in an A & P and the people would by and large keep reaching and checking oatmeal off their lists and muttering â€Å"Let me see, there was a third thing, began with A, asparagus, no, ah, yes, applesauce!†or whatever it is they do mutter. But there was no doubt, this jiggled them.A few house-slaves in pin curlers even looked around after pushing their carts past to make sure what they had seen was correct†(Updike).The above paragraph is the best portrayal of the girls’ effect on the supermarket’s patrons. â⠂¬Å"Queenie,†as Sammy calls the prettiest of the three girls, has the most effect. Comparing the arrival of the girls to an explosion signifies the impact, and also the rarity of girls, or anyone for that matter, ever coming into the supermarket in their swimsuits.  Most people follow the dress code implemented in the supermarket, or any other public place besides the beach.  The short story of one seemingly mundane occurrence at a supermarket speaks volumes about judging appearances.The girls are in the supermarket to buy â€Å"a jar of herring snacks†for â€Å"Queenie’s†mother and not to make any trouble, but the fact that they are wearing swimsuits have earned them a reprimand from the manager, Lengel. Lengel who also â€Å"teaches Sunday school†and is â€Å"pretty dreary†according to Sammy, represents the people in society who make and follow rules and expect others to do the same. He rigidly implements the rules in the A & P he is managing to the point that after reprimanding the girls, he reminds Sammy about ringing up the girls’ purchase. Every rule must be followed to the letter for people like Lengel (Updike).However, even before Lengel’s appearance in the short story, Sammy already observes the glances that the sheep, which is his term for the customers, give the girls. The girls being in their swimwear has given the customers quite a shock. Even Sammy and his married co-worker, Stokesie, have become very engrossed in watching the girls. They may not condemn the girls like Lengel and the customers but their reaction also limits the free spirited choice of the girls to wear bathing suits to the supermarket. Their behavior suggests that the act is clearly something that is out of the norm.Defending the girls has made Sammy a hero, but he must make it a crusade to continue the difficult task of making the more conservative people of society understand the v alue of â€Å"live and let live.† Being sidetracked from such a mission and bowing down to rules that he does not believe in will reduce his defense of the girls as an act of a boy with a crush and not an act of pure honor.Works CitedUpdike, John. â€Å"A & P.†8 November 2007 . Â
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Whittier Narrows Nature Center Free Essay Example, 1250 words
The area experience 4 seasons in a year cycled with cold and snowy winters. The Whittier Narrows have a hot summer and the winters are mild. It differs from the coastal areas, because coastal areas have frequent fog in summer, the precipitation turns to be rain on winters (Francis and McKee 153). California is a home of more than 5,862 plants species. The main plant communities found in Whittier Narrows are Riparian, Oak Wood, Coastal sage, Grassland, Mustard, and Brash. Coastal sage is situated a long river San Gabriel, it contains both indigenous and exotic plants. The dominating plant species are berries. The three types of berries grown in the area are coffee berries, elder berries, and toyon; the exotic plants that are grown in the area black mustard. Grassland mustard is sloppy and it has scattered individual plants. It has few plants species and it is also dominated by berries of all species, the exotic plants that are grown in the area are till black mustard. Oak woodland lies on the valley and it is characterized open canopy woodlands, the main types of trees found in the area woodlands such as valley oak woodland and blue oak woodland, the trees in the area are scattered. We will write a custom essay sample on Whittier Narrows Nature Center or any topic specificall y for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The exotic tresses that are grown in the area are passion flower. The last plant community in the area is Riparian. What makes the area unique is that the area is associated with water bodies. They are at the bank of rivers. The area protects aquatic environment from excessive sedimentation and soil erosion (Jared 108). It removes excess nutrients and sediment from water in the surface and shallow ground water. The plants regulate light and temperatures for aquatic animals by use of leaves. Exotic tress dominate the area, the species of exotic trees are tree tobacco and horehound. The plants have several impacts on the native communities. The plants balance the nature in people’s lives. Plants manufacture their own food and in the process they absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen, the process is referred to as photosynthesis. Berries in the area are a food crop and they are sold as a cash crop (Jared 108). Most of the indigenous plants are used to make local medicinal herbs. They regulate water cycle; they redistribute and clean the water especially those found in the riparian. Most of the houses built in the area are made up of wood which comes from the plants. The soil in the area differs from place to place, in location A, the texture was soft, location b, the texture was coarse, and in location D, it was sandy.
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